
今日の記事:Essex lorry deaths: Irish smuggling connection


One of the ringleaders of the gang which allowed 39 Vietnamese people to die in the back of a lorry was an Irish haulier with a history of smuggling.

ringleader 首謀者
Irish haulier アイルランド運送業

Hughes, 41, and lorry driver Maurice Robinson, 26, had previously admitted the manslaughter of 39 Vietnamese migrants who were found dead in a lorry trailer in Essex in October 2019.


 admit 認める
manslaughter 過失致死罪

On Monday, two other men were found guilty of manslaughter: Eamonn Harrison, 24, who dropped off the trailer at the Belgian port, and people smuggler Gheorghe Nica, 43, were convicted by an Old Bailey jury.

were convited 有罪判決を受ける
It is not clear exactly how long he had been smuggling people, but in court he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration dating back to May 2018.
plead guilty 有罪を認める
He ran a haulage company. He was involved in legitimate international operations, delivering wine and biscuits, but as his people-smuggling racket grew, he sometimes mixed legal and illegal loads.
haulage company 運送会社
legitimate international operations 合法的で国際的な業務
people-smuggling racket 人を密輸することによる金儲け

From early in the investigation, the police knew exactly who was in charge of the smuggling ring. They also knew the identity of the young drivers who agreed to do the dirty work.

 early in the investigation 捜査の早い段階
Parts of a mobile phone were found down a drain close to where he parked his lorry.
drain 排水口
He insisted in court he thought he was carrying stolen lorry-parts. He said he had been watching Netflix in his cab while the loading took place.
cab タクシー

He was arrested coming back to Ireland via Dublin port, four days after the 39 Vietnamese nationals died. He was subsequently extradited to the UK.

subsequently その後、
was extradited 本国に引き渡される

A prosecution barrister said evidence gathered from phone records, vehicle data and CCTV showed that Harrison had lied "from top to bottom".

 a prosecution barrister 法廷弁護士