


Eleven degrees Celsius, or 20 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s how much hotter it can be in a different neighbourhood in the same city. The people living in those hot spots – largely low-income residents and people of colour – face far greater challenges than those living in wealthier districts, including less productivity at work, less access to green space, more pollution, even higher rates of death.


Eleven degree Celsius 摂氏11℃


20 degree Fahrengeit 華氏20°F




This dangerous discrepancy is called the ‘intraurban variability of temperature’ – or simply the ‘heat gap’. It occurs in cities all over the planet, and exists because some neighbourhoods end up getting far less investment than richer areas do. As a result, buildings in those areas tend to be lower quality – with less aircon and more porous walls, which let in heat. There are also fewer parks and green spaces that provide coolness and shade, and more paved areas to absorb heat.


dangerous discrepancy 危険な不一致



intraurban variability of temperature 都市間の気温変動




porous walls 多孔質の壁



paved areas to absorb heat  熱を吸収するための舗装されたエリア





“If a person lives in a really hot neighbourhood, it’s very likely that the neighbourhood is hot because of a series of disinvestments that have happened systematically and chronically over decades,” says Vivek Shandas, an assistant professor at Portland State University who specialises in climate change in cities.


a series of disinvestments 一連の投資削減

 dis(否定) + investment(投資)で「投資削減、資本縮小」となります。



Shandas says that many cities have histories of blocking immigrants and minorities from living in certain areas. The areas in which they were forced to live received fewer tax dollars, which created the lower quality of life that can trigger heat gap. The descendants of the affected often still live in those same neighbourhoods, making heat gap an inherited challenge and an example of generational inequality.


an inherited challenge 遺伝的な課題



In the US, this plays out in part because of a process called redlining, in which the federal government denied mortgages to black families from the 1930s to the 1960s because they were deemed risky investments. This formerly legal form of discrimination effectively shut out certain communities, mostly people of colour, from buying a home in certain neighbourhoods. Financial and real estate institutions then effectively stopped serving the districts in which those who were discriminated against ended up living. Redlining has been illegal for decades now, but the effects continue to be seen to this day all over urban America, and is a major contributor to the heat gap.  


play out 〜が起こる原因になる



mortgage 住宅ローン



shut out certain communities 特定のコミュニティを遮断した

 shut outはこれ以上入らないようにすることですね。有色人種の人たちが家を買うことが妨げられていたということですね。



This is the case in US cities such as Baltimore, Portland in Oregon and the national capital of Washington, DC. Another example is Los Angeles, where the heat gap can be particularly perilous – the city has high average temperatures to begin with, but sees more heat waves and droughts due to climate change.


particularly perilous 特に危険である





“In South Africa, with a long history of apartheid and segregation, I was blown away with how similar it is [to] a lot of the redlining that’s happened here in the United States,” says Shandas. “Lower income communities – often black African communities – were living in the segregated neighbourhoods that also are some of the hottest neighbourhoods in the cities of Cape Town or Johannesburg.”


segregation 人種差別

 segregate がもともと「分離する、隔離する」という意味です。人種を分離する→人種差別という訳ですね。


I was blown away 私は驚かされました

    blown away はもともと「吹っ飛ばす」ですが、感情に対して使われると、「驚かされる」となります。


redlining レッドライニング





Shandas was part of a team that researched heat gap in Doha, Qatar – a place that’s become so hot because of climate change that it’s begun to air-condition the outdoors. The researchers found that if you’re richer and not an immigrant, you’re much more likely to live in a place with better air conditioning and better green spaces, including oases.






For now, the quickest fix is to just give people more aircon. But as long as it’s not fuelled by renewable sources like solar or wind, aircon use could add even more carbon emissions to the atmosphere and make it even hotter. That situation is also “more of a drain on the electrical grid, causing more brownouts and blackouts”, says Carlos Martín, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute think tank in Washington, DC.


 drain on the electrical grid 電力網の消耗

   drain は水や生気を引き抜いて力をなくさせるイメージです。ポケモンで相手の体力を吸収するドレインパンチのドレインはこのドレインです。

 electrical gridは厳密に言えば、電力を担う発電、送電、変電などの全ての電気系統のことですね、


brownout 電圧低下

blackout 停電






Martín points to Melbourne, Australia, which “has a massive tree-planting plan” that saw both public and private investments. He also names Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles for their subsidy programmes for tree-planting and tree maintenance in lower income areas. But he emphasises that a long-term solution is about more than simply planting trees: “It boils down to investments of money in places that, in some cases, other wealthier communities may be averse to the use of their tax dollars [going towards] that.”


subsify programmes 助成プログラム


boil down 帰着する



averse to 〜を嫌って

 a(離れて) + verse(回る) = 他を向く





“There is actually so much hope in this,” says Shandas. “We’re recognising these levels of systemic racism that have played out for a very long time [as well as] the recognition of how the systems that we have created have been propelling some communities to be safe and secure” and temperature-wise, “really cool”. (Minneapolis, the place where George Floyd’s death triggered a worldwide reckoning with systemic racism, also suffers from heat gap.)


a worldwide reckoning 世界的な認知


 この事件をきっかけに世界中で"black lives matter" 運動が起こり、世界的に大きなムーヴメントとなっています。

That’s why, if we want cities to be comfortable – and more importantly, safe – for all their residents, we need to think bigger than just better building design and adding green space. Shandas says, “We need to be thinking about those social and policy levers as much as we need to be thinking about infrastructure.”


levers 手段

